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In 1996 my mother began the quest for a Havanese after our the loss of our Silky Terrier. Back then Havanese were still quite rare. She called all over the country trying to locate a breeder and lo and behold she learned that we had one of the best in our own"backyard." We were very fortunate in her quest that she was referred to Jeanette (Jan)Stark who was an intergral part of getting the Havanese breed AKC reckognized. 
We acquired our first Havanese from her that same year, Starkette Teodoro Maximo hence where our kennel name originates from. In Spanish the name meaning of Teodoro is "God's Gift." Which they truly are!
The following year we acquired another puppy from Jan our foundation bitch Starkette Muneca Teodoro, Mimi. 
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